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㈜드림티엔에스는 RIEGL Laser 측정 시스템, 고성능 GNSS 및 각 종 Mechanical 3D 스캐너
(핸드헬드 포함)의 국내 총판이며, PointShape 소프트웨어 개발사로서 다양한 고객에게
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RIEGL | Airborne Laser Scan Systems | RIEGL VQ-480 II

Airborne Laser Scan System

Airborne Laser Scanners


Waveform Processing Airborne Laser Scanning System

RIEGL의 VQ-480II는 이미 그 성능이 널리 입증된 기존 모델 VQ-480에 이어서 성능 및 사용자 편의성을 한단계 더 업그레이드한 항공라이다 시스템입니다.

RIEGL의 그동안 쌓아온 노하우로 성능에 비해 IMU/GNSS를 포함하고도 10kg라는 획기적인 경량을 실현화한 결과 유인 항공기는 물론 무인 기체까지 장착 플랫폼을 확장 시켰습니다.

RIEGL VQ-480II 외관 정보

RIEGL VQ-480II 장착 예시 (GSM-4000 스테빌라이저)


Laser Pulse Repetition Rate PRR 3 150 kHz 300 kHz 600 kHz 1200 kHz 2000 kHz
Max. Measuring Range 4)5)
natural targets ρ ≥ 20%
natural targets ρ ≥ 60%
1600 m
2500 m
1200 m
1900 m
850 m
1400 m
650 m
1050 m
500 m
800 m
Max. Operating Flight Altitude 4)6)AGL
natural targets ρ ≥ 20%
natural targets ρ ≥ 60%
1200 m
3950 ft
1850 m
6050 ft
900 m
2950 ft
1400 m
4600 ft
600 m
1950 ft
1050 m
3450 ft
500 m
1650 ft
800 m
2600 ft
350 m
1150 ft
600 m
1950 ft
Max. Number of Targets per Pulse7) 15 15 15 9 5
    1. Rounded average PRR
    2. Typical values for average conditions and average ambient brightness. In bright sunlight, the max. range is shorter than under an overcast sky.
    3. The maximum range is specified for flat targets with size in excess of the laser beam diameter, perpendicular angle of incidence, and for atmospheric visibility of 23 km. Range ambiguities have to be resolved by multiple-time-around processing.
    4. Typical values for max. effective FOV 75°, additional roll angle ± 5°
    5. If more than one target is hit, the total laser transmitter power is split and, accordingly, the achieveable range is reduced.

Minimum Range8)     20 m
Accuracy9)11)     20 mm
Precision10)11)     20 mm
Laser Pulse Repetition Rate12)     up to 2000 kHz
Max. Effective Measurement Rate     up to 1 250 000 meas./sec. (@ 2000 kHz PRR & 75° scan angle)
Echo Signal Intensity     provided for each echo signal
Laser Wavelength     near infrared
Laser Beam Divergence     ≤ 0.35 mrad13)
  • Limitation for range measurement capability, does not consider laser safety issues!
  • Accuracy is the degree of conformity of a measured quantity to its actual (true) value.
  • Precision, also called reproducibility or repeatability, is the degree to which further measurements show the same result.
  • One sigma @ 150 m range under RIEGL test conditions.
  • User selectable.
  • Measured at 1/e2 points, 0.35 mrad corresponds to an increase of 35 mm of beam diameter per 100 m distance.